Ar ol neud daith o pen llyn yn 2021, yn brotestior adeiladu or gronfa ceiriog, roedd aelodaur fand, llyfnant Jones a Huw wedi ddiflasu. Nath hwn arweinir hogia i sblitio i fynu a chadw ei cherddoriaeth yn cyfrinach. Tra roedd llyfnant yn rheolir deithiau ogof yn king Arthurs labyrinth yn Corris, dechruodd huw prentisiaeth mewn cigydd. Ar ol ychydig o fisoedd, gafodd nhw ei haduno gan hen ffrind: Griffydd Rees, sgoriwr cyfrinachol ar gyfer Hansh. Wedi eu lleoli mewn caban ar waelod Cadair Idris, maer triawd ar hyn o bryd yn recordio eu halbwm.

After a failed attempt at an acoustic tour across the Llyn Peninsula in 2021, protesting the construction of the Ceiriog Reservoir, members Llyfnant Jones and Huw were reduced to apathy. This led to the unfortunate separation of a duo underappreciated and unheard in Wales. While Llyfnant became the manager of cave tours at King Arthur's Labyrinth in Corris, Huw began an apprenticeship in butchering. Soon after, they were reunited by an old friend: Griffydd Rees, ghost scorer for numerous series on Hansh. Based in a cabin at the base of Cadair Idris, the trio are currently recording their album.

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